7 Chakra Orgone Ball

Orgonite Sphere EMF Protection Grounding Balancing Healing Universal Life Force “Qi” Energy Use the Harmonizing, Balancing and grounding Energy of Orgonite to
Harmonize your Energy Field and Protect yourself from Harmful EMF Radiation and people with bad Energy Made from Copper Coil Copper BB’S Aluminum, Amethyst and
Black Tourmaline Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace is
the Crown Chakra Crystal used as a powerful yet Gentle Healing.
Perfect tool to use for meditation and healing Benefits a peaceful sleep and vivid dreams.
Feeling better physically as well as mentally. Energy blockages are healed and your energy field starts to flow. You will feel joyful, harmonious and energized.
Ahmed Agate offers Orgonite Sevenchakra Sphere, Amethyst Orgonite Sphere, Red Carnelian orgonite Sphere, Black Tourmaline orgonite Sphere, Rose orgonite Sphere,
Selenite orgonite Sphere etc.

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